a Podcast for Free Thinkers

Adarsh Senthilnathan

Adarsh Senthilnathan Profile Photo

16 year old entrepreneur and thought provoker

My name is Adarsh, a junior in highschool, and throughout the course of my life, I have lived 2 lifetimes and over the past couple years, I have dedicated my time to learning about life, success, and humanity. I have curated myself to become one of the world’s most purposeful thought leaders through god given wisdom and light. I lived in a foster home for a period of my life and my experience there was life changing. The moment I entered that home, God taught me my very first life lesson that I was the only person who I could trust and that I was the only person who could make me successful. Since that day, I have learned hundreds of lessons about myself and what it takes to become in the top 1%. Recently, I have discovered my purpose on Earth: Speak real shit to the 99% to finally turn the 1% into 2%. I have faced countless failures throughout my life and even have the credibility of creating a solution to the global microplastics problems in which I was posted in my city's newspaper. Although young, I have mastery of control over my mind than anybody in this world and I have a killer mentality lurking inside, hungry for success while still learning and enjoying the brutal journey to the top.