Eye Doctor/Optometrist, board certified in vision development and rehab
Grown up in Mississippi and raised as a home-churched Christian, Dr. Johnson aspired to pursue a poultry science degree at Mississippi State University. After having his glasses knocked off his face by “Puff Mamma” hen, he stumbled across the field of vision development and rehab and changed and pursued his field of choice towards a degree in biochemistry and molecular biology setting the stage for entry into Optometry school at Southern College of Optometry in Memphis, TN. Little did he know his work with chicken and biochemical training would prepare him for his later interests.
Upon graduation, Dr. Johnson worked briefly in Mississippi before he moved to Virginia and began practicing at Virginia Vision Therapy Centers caring for vision in those Post-trauma, adult binocular vision disorders, strabismus, amblyopia, “learning disabeled” labeled children, patients on the spectrums, and gifted and emotional children.
After disputing with his wife suffering with intermittent paralysis with a child growing evermore food sensitive, he was called a glutton. Knowing there was no-way interpreting his home-churched scriptural knowledge out of this one. Dr. Johnson, realizing there is only one who could help, got down on his knees and asked Jesus Christ to take his go it tony away. Per previous experience in prayer, he received the answer in 2 weeks in an unlikely and amazing place… bread. This bread, began to nourish his family back to health when Veganism, Keto, and Weston Price diet all failed. It was from food prison to food freedom! This was amazing news, also, for his patients who are “picky eaters” having the strong affinity to carbs with parents desperate enough to do anything.
Dr. Johnson enjoys activities with his family, personal fitness, having deep theological and eschatological discussions, interest in economics, business, and of course, making lots of bread.